Castor Oil As A Laxative

castor oil as a laxative

Castor Oil As A Laxative

Constipated but don’t want to take medication? Then Castor oil is definitely for you!

Anyone who have experienced the terrible and the troublesome effect of constipation, not to mention the pain that it sometimes bring, would understand why it is one of the common condition that must be resolved as soon as possible. And using castor oil as a laxative could be the solution that you are looking for.

Castor oil has a great record for being a treatment from skin problems to health to hair to acne problems. This is primarily because castor oil contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. Its source, which is the castor plant, probably derived its name from its replacement of castoreum; a perfume base referred as ‘castor’ in Latin that comes from the dried perineal glands of a beaver.

This colorless or sometimes pale yellow vegetable oil is created by extracting the castor plant’s seeds. Not only is castor oil useful for medicinal purposes but it can also be used as an ingredient for inks, dyes, paints, soaps, lubricants and polishes. Hence, it is widely used all around the world although the plant is mostly found in Africa and India.

To illustrate how ancient this castor oil is just know that: the Kikajon on the book of Jonah in the Bible is believed to be the castor plant; Dioscorides from the first century, described the castor plant’s seed to be extremely purgative; Gerard from 1597 called the castor oil as Oleum cicinum which is used in skin diseases; Albertus Magnus, the Bishop of Ratisbon during the middle 13th century, reportedly cultivated the castor plant.

If you are not sold out with the idea of using castor oil as a laxative, you can find three positive reviews by some castor oil users below. See if you will not be encouraged to use it after reading their testimonials.

“I used it once during the pregnancy labor. It was amazing and worked fast. I did not feel any cramp sensation. Nor was there a feeling of swelling.”

“I followed the same method as done by RCW. It gave good results.”

“Certainly it has its benefits. My dad in India makes it a point to use castor oil twice in a year to make sure that the system stays functioning well.”

“Try it for yourself. But there are certain things you should know.”

Now these are quite convincing right? And if you want to try the power of castor oil there are some few thing that you should remember:

First, always remember to follow either the prescription of your doctor or the instructions on the label of the product. Its dosage differs with respect to the age of the patient and the degree of severity of constipation.

Second, take note on how frequent you are supposed to take castor oil, in order to maximize its effect and to get the best results as early as possible. It is said that castor oil is most effective when taken on an empty stomach.

Third, castor oil, referred as Kiki by Herodotus, maybe taken as it is or in a mixture of other juices such as orange, prune or ginger. Ideally, you must feel its effects within four (4) to six (6) after ingestion. So if the castor oil is not giving you any relief for days, you might be wrong with your belief of being constipated. What you should do is contact a health care professional and ask for some advice or test.

The stated affirmations earlier are quite pleasant especially for people like you who are considering the use of castor oil as a laxative. That is why a quick reality check is necessary so that you will at least be aware of the possible consequences of what you are about to get yourself into.

The greatest weakness of castor oil is the fact that it has a lot of known side effects. To name a few; stomach pains, cramps, nausea, vomits, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat and dizziness. Although, allergic reaction cases are seldom reported, some of the possible reactions would be; rashes, itching and swellings.

Still, these side effects are but just possibilities and does not apply to every castor oil user. And the fact that castor oil as a laxative already has a well-established reputation in its field clearly overshadows this grim corner.


68 thoughts on “Castor Oil As A Laxative

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    Что такое акне?
    Акне – это закупорка пор, которое вызывает развитие прыщей, угрей и воспалений на коже и лице и плечах. Факторы, которые могут вызвать акне, включают: гормональные нарушения, наследственность, неправильное питание и нервные расстройства.

    Как лечить акне?
    Множество методов помогает в борьбе с прыщами: с помощью салонных процедур до медикаментов. В клиниках предлагают эффективные способы лечения прыщей, такие как лазерная терапия, химические пилинги и лечебные уходы. Эти процедуры уменьшают воспалительные процессы, уменьшить поры и сделать кожу более гладкой.

    Преимущества аппаратной борьбы с акне:
    – Быстрый результат
    – Безопасность процедуры
    – Заметное улучшение текстуры кожи
    – Продолжительный эффект от процедуры

    Если вы хотите убрать прыщи раз и навсегда, посетите в косметологический центр, где вам разработают курс лечения, исходя из состояния кожи и ваших пожеланий.

    Заботьтесь о своей коже своевременно – получите всю информацию о новых технологиях лечения акне и запишитесь на консультацию прямо сейчас уже сегодня!

    “Как действуют местные препараты для лечения акне?” – “Местные препараты, такие как бензоилпероксид, салициловая кислота и ретиноиды, уменьшают производство кожного сала, очищают поры и убивают бактерии.”
    “How do topical treatments for acne work?” – “Topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids reduce oil production, unclog pores, and kill bacteria.”
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