Castor Oil for Cysts

Castor Oil for Cysts

Castor oil is famous for being a volatile oil which can be used for healing different kind of problems from head to foot. Be it related to skin, bones, hair, ear, or what. It can even be used for paint and wax purposes. It is clear that castor oil has already built a strong reputation. But did you know that you can also use castor oil for cysts?

Click here to Get Virgin Castor Oil To Get Rid of Your Cysts

What is a cyst?

Cysts comes from the Latin word ‘cystis’. This is derived from the Ancient Greek word ‘kystis’ which means pouch or bladder. As defined, cysts, is an abnormal sac created in the body that either contains liquid, semi-solid or gaseous substance. It can appear on any part of your body and can have different sizes; from microscopic sizes to large ones.

To apply castor oil for cysts you can follow the steps laid out below:

  1. Get a cloth and fold it to create a two to three layers thick of cover. See to it that it can cover the area where your cyst/s is/are located.
  2. Place around two tablespoons of castor oil on the prepared cloth.
  3. Wrap the cloth with a plastic and then with another towel.
  4. Put a bottle filled with warm water above the towel. Make sure that you have a different cover beneath you to protect your bed from any leaking of castor oil. Since the oil can stain clothes.
  5. Wait for at least half an hour and remove it afterwards.

You can do the process three time a week. In removing the castor oil from your skin after the procedure, you can clean your body with a water solution mixed with baking soda.

Is it effective?

The following two paragraphs narrates how two castor oil users were relieved from their cysts problems after applying the oil for weeks.

‘I use home health, organic cold pressed castor oil. It took me a few weeks to finally figure out what works best for my skin. I massage on my face for about 10 mins then apply a hot, wet washcloth for at least 30 mins (reheating obviously, as well as reapplying castor oil 1-2 more times. I then follow up with something called Miracle II neutralizer gel which is like aloe vera but better! I do that in the morning and at night but before bed I’ve been applying castor oil to cyst areas, covering with gauze and sleeping with it on. I don’t think there’s such a thing as too much castor oil, my skin hasn’t looked this good since February of this year and I can actually touch it without feeling pain :)’

‘I’m under no false illusions that this is some sort of cure, my cyst is still there, and every once and while it makes itself known. I’m not a chemist or a doctor (but lets Pin It face it, your doctor can’t reliably fix this problem either) and I can’t tell you why this works for me, just that it does. What I can say is this; not only have I not had my cyst burst for a year and half, I have never gotten to that inflammation stage where I can’t sit down without cowering in pain and I have had no drainage of my cyst, nothing, zero, zilch, nada. What does it take? 3 things, 1. Castor oil, and 2. Baking Soda, and 3. Vinegar Pin It. Yes, that’s it, $4 from your local shop and I’ve only used the Castor oil once in the very beginning.’


When you are planning to try out this method, it would be good if you will also try to make some changes with you lifestyle and try to practice a healthy lifestyle as possible. Also since this method does not really cost that much, it would be good if you will be generous in applying and placing castor oil in the towel or cloth. Castor oil for cysts may have been effective to the two users that were cited on the previous paragraphs. However, it does not mean that you will also have the same results as what they have receive, since each person have different bodies that have unique reactions to any treatment given.


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