Why should you use Castor Oil packs for Constipation?

This article discusses the benefits of castor oil and the use of castor oil packs for constipation. Castor oil has been known for its excellent health benefits since the days of the Egyptian civilization. The reason castor oil is so beneficial is because its ability to enhance the immunity of the human body. Castor oil is used in the cure of menstrual problems, cerebral palsy, rheumatism, skin disorders, arthritis, gastrointestinal disturbance, Parkinson’s Disease, migraine and multiple Sclerosis. It can also be used as a laxative for constipation. We discuss this particular benefit of castor oil in detail. Read on for more information.

What is constipation?

The human body can function properly only if there is a regular elimination of waste. But sometimes, this may not occur properly because of certain stomach disorders. While there are several reasons for the stomach disorder to occur, the most common factor behind it is constipation.

The most common symptom of constipation is that amount of stool that you discharge is considerably less than usual, and it is found to be extremely hard and sticky. This is usually accompanies by a severe, debilitating stomach pain, which renders you incapable of any physical activity. Those suffering from constipation regularly find that it has a severe impact on their daily life and work, and even affects their sleep. Hence it is so critical to treat constipation as quickly as possible. Constipation can even become chronic if allowed to remain neglected.

Luckily, constipation is easily curable. There are excellent natural remedies for constipation, of which castor oil is among the most effective ones.

What is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is secreted from the Castor plant, which has the scientific name, Ricinus Communis. The castor plant is widely grown in east Africa. Castor oil is pale yellow in color and has a mild odor. It is obtained from the seeds of the castor plant. Traditionally, castor oil has been used for centuries by various ancient civilizations, has found to be of several great uses, such as easing labor pains, apart from its ability to cure constipation. The components that make up the castor oil include oleic acid, lineoleic acid and ricinoleic acid. Of these, ricinoleic acid is particularly effective in the suppression of a variety of infections.

How does Castor Oil Cure Constipation?

Castor oil is one of the best lubricants known to nature, and really speeds up the movement of fecal matter through the intestinal tract. This is because castor oil does not absorb fluids from the intestinal tract, which makes it possible for the bowels hold back more moisture, which makes the movement of fecal matter much easier.
Castor oil packs for constipation are effective because they contain certain ingredients that offer a great cure to the disease. The castor oil ingredients stimulate the walls of the colon, which play such an important role in the movement of the fecal matter through the digestive tract. Because of this, castor oil acts as a natural laxative, works as an excellent home remedy and must be a part of any medicine cabinet at home.

How much Castor Oil should you take for Constipation?

It has been found that just a spoonful of castor oil every day, just before breakfast, can effectively prevent constipation from ever occurring. The exact dosage of castor oil varies from person to person, depending on his or her age and physical condition. While it is recommended for castor oil to be taken on an empty stomach before breakfast, in case of chronic pain because of constipation, it can also be taken just before going to bed at night. It is important that exactness is maintained while taking castor oil, using measuring devices. There are also castor oil tablets and capsules available, which are a lot easier to consume with water. It is important to drink plenty of water, anything from ten to twelve glasses a day when suffering from constipation.


Castor oil packs for constipation are an effective cure for the disease, and are known to have very few side effects – so they can be taken safely, without any worry. This makes castor oil one of the most effective home remedies for constipation that is available in the market.