Castor oil and Athletes Foot

Foot fungus normally appears as toenail fungus or foot fungus. Toenail fungus is also known as Onychomycosis, where the nail becomes thick and brittle with a yellow or unusual color.  Athlete’s foot is also caused by fungus. It’s contagious and is spread by direct and indirect contact through a contaminated environment like locker rooms or showers. 

  But people can also acquire foot fungal conditions by wearing sweaty or damp socks. Athlete’s foot causes itching, burning and sometimes blisters. 

It most often grows between the toes but can occur on the bottom of the foot and affect the nails and hands. This article will cover what you can do to treat foot fungus by using castor oil and other internal fungal prevention methods. 

Treating Athletes Foot with Castor oil 

Firstly, let’s cover what you can do to treat foot fungus externally with castor oil. Castor oil is naturally anti fungal. I go in depth about  using castor oil  to treat yeast infections in this article here. But basically, castor oil contains a naturally occurring property called  RICIONOLEC ACID which   helps to reduce infection and inflammation. 

Use castor oil to treat your foot fungus externally by taking an organic foot bath. To take an organic castor oil based foot bath, combine  castor oil with other antifungal essential  oils to treat infection. 

Castor oil can serve as an anti fungal base but you can also add another carrier oil like coconut oil. Next add other  anti fungul essential oils like  oregano, tea tree oil, cloves oil, lemon ail to your organic castor oil based foot bath. Here is a recipe below:


  • Combine 1 cup  of castor oil
  • 5 drops Tea tree oil
  • 5 drops Cloves oil
  • 5 drops Lemon oil 
  • 5 drops of oil of oregano ( organic p73 oregano is best and most potent)
  • 3 cups of water (  you can also use 2 cups of water and add 1 cup of vinegar instead) 
  • Put on castor oil when finished soaking and combine other essential oils together

Castor oil  Anti Fungal Herbal Based Foot Wash 

Alternatively you can do an herbal foot bath with castor oil …Horsetail Herb is considered to have the best possible healing effect for most skin condition


  • 1 part horsetail
  • 1 part castor oil
  • Arnica oinment
  • 1 part chamomile 
  • 1 part nettle leaf
  • Tablespoon of castor oil

Treating Foot Fungus internally.

Wheil it’s helpful to treat foot fungus externally, internal problems may be causing your fungus problem to  prolonged. Combat the fungus internally by by taking anti-fungal herbs like pau de arco, olive oil, oregano oil, jatoba. Avoid fungal overgrowth by maintaining a healthy diet. Avoid a diet high in sugar, alcohol, taking excessive  antibiotics, oral contraceptives all of which promote fungal overgrowth. Eat an anti fungal diet that is low in processed foods and sugars, and high in organic foods. 

Keep your immune system strong so the fungus will not grow.Having a weakened immune system also allows for fungus overgrowth. I promote natural botanical ways of strengthening your immune system. Take immune system  boosting herbs like echinacea and cats claw

Fungus thrives in a body filled of waste, parasites, and other unhealthy bacteria. Detoxify the skin, cleanse the colon, and strengthen your digestive system so that these organisms can die off.  

Castor oil can help you cleanse your colon, detoxify your skin, and enhance your lymphatic system. Check out my articles on these subjects.