Castor oil and Psoriasis

This article will cover how you canuse castor oil to alleviate the skin condition known as psoriasis.

First, let’s start by defining what psoriasis is– Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease with causes painful, itchy skin with lesions.  Castor oil can aid in helping treat psoriasis because its has natural moisturizing properties which contain natural nutrients that help make the skin softer while providing the skin with vital nutrients.

How Can Castor Oil Help with Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by inflammation. Castor oil contains a property called  ricinoleic acid which is anti inflammatory. Castor oil can provide much needed relief for the psoriasis condition.

Antibacterial and Moisturizing Effects

The ricinoleic fatty acid which castor oil contains has a moisturizing effect on the skin. This fatty acid also has antibacterial properties and promotes better skin hydration. Since castor oil  is also antibacterial when applying it topically it will help ease the symptoms related to psoriasis and reduce infections for lesion hat psoriasis causes.

Castor  oil helps clear and detox the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is responsible for fluid homeostasis and regular fluid between blood and tissues. It’s part of  the immune system. It helps the immune system defend against bacteria. It also helps fat and fat double nutrients absorbed in the digestive system. The lymph system is a way which your body cells  eliminates waste. 

When your lymphatic system is not properly working the waste and toxins build up causing you to become sick imply put, toxins in the skin build up and can cause inflammation, resulting in skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.

 Lymphatic system congestion can contribute to skin problems and psoriasis. When you apply castor  oil packs to your skin, it will help improve the thymus gland and other aspects of your immune system and detox the unwanted toxins from your tissues and cells which promote faster healing.  

Helps to  Cleanse the liver and kidney

While most people don’t realize it, liver function has a huge impact on your skin’s health and appearance. When toxins build up in the skin, they manifest as a variety of skin conditions including acne eczema and psoriasis. Skin conditions are a sign that the liver is not eliminating properly. 

Castor oil helps with  the eliminatory organs of the liver and kidney. The liver is especially connected to skin health. Keeping a healthy liver will help you lessen psoriasis. Castor oil stimulates the liver and gallbladder functions, helping them to clear out toxins and other harmful things that cause inflammation. 

Helps to improve Immune Function

Castor oil enhances the immune system this is in part because it improves lymphatic flow which enables the immune system to function strongly.Castor oil helps to raise immunity because the properties inside of castor oil increase T Cell production in the skin. T cells are white blood clells that help improve the bodys internal defnese. This helps reduce the occurenceof psorirasis

A research study discovered that with two hours of using a castor oil pack based therapy lead to an increase of T-11 and lymphocytes within a 24 hour period following the treatment. Lymphocytes help defend the body against toxins and T cells help locate and kill viruses, fungui, bacteria, and cancer cells.

 Helps Treat Pain

Psoriasis can be a painful condition. Castor oil is naturally  anti inflammatory and helps tremendously when treating painful conditions by increasing lymphatic and blood circulation flow.

Congestion in the lymphatic system due to accumulation of toxic wastes is what typically cause the pain and inflammation in joints. As castor oil is efficient in easing up the lymphatic flow, it can also help ease up the congestion thus relieving arthritic pain.

Massage castor oil on the painful joints regularly to get the lymphatic system moving and to ease the congestion. Increasing blood flow in the affected area will alleviate the pain.

How to apply castor oil 

The easiest way to apply castor oil  is topically directly to the skin location affected psoriasis with a cotton ball. Alternatively, you can apply a castor oil pack  with a wool fannel to your skin.