Castor Oil and Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a structure in the anal canal which helps to controls the human’s stool system. If the hemorrhoids get infected or catch disease, the veins swell up and disturb the entire stool system. The symptoms of swollen or infected hemorrhoids are:
•    Constant and irritating pain and itching sensation in and around the anus.
•    Extreme discomfort and irritation
•    Itchy and painful swelling around the anus. Some people even notice lumps growing in that area.
•    Painful fecal discharge and painful bowel movement.
•    Blood discharge from anus during and after the bowel movement.
Hemorrhoids are caused by various reasons such as:
•    Straining too much during bowel movement.
•    Chronic constipation can lead to this disease.
•    Hemorrhoids can also be genetically passed on.

Sadly, people who are diagnosed with hemorrhoids which is also commonly referred to as ‘piles’, refer to science based medicines for treatment. The fact is that these medicines cause side effects which can be as distressing as the disease itself. Herbal remedies are a much better way of curing hemorrhoids as they are often cheaper and do not cause side effects. Sometimes any specific ingredient of herbal remedies can cause side effects in case the patient is allergic to it.
Castor Oil is one of the most useful herbs for hemorrhoid patients as its properties help reduce the inflammation in the affected area and this helps to stop the bleeding.
We have listed below several herbal remedies which has been tried and approved by piles patients.
Castor Oil and Tree Tea Oil:
1.    Add 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil to 1 tablespoon of castor oil.
2.    Mix them well and use a clean cotton swab to apply the blend on the inflamed area and let it stay overnight.
This blend will help soothe the inflammation and itching and thus, it will reduce the frustration.
SSKI Iodine and Castor Oil:
SSKI Iodine stings a lot when applied to the inflamed area and that is why patients use a base to blend it with. Castor oil is the best carrier oil for this purpose.
1.    In a small dropper bottle, add 20 drops of SSKI Iodine.
2.    Mix the iodine with 1 ounce of Castor Oil.
3.    Apply the blend every night on the inflamed area and let it stay overnight.

Aside from these herbal remedies, there are some more precautions and self treatment methods that people suffering from piles must keep in mind. For example:
•    In case of swelling, ice pack can be applied on the area affected in order to reduce and soothe the swelling.
•    Often patients prefer to use pain killers in order to relieve the pain around the anus.
•    Hemorrhoids patients must include lots of fluids in their diet and eat foods that are rich in fiber.

Extremely intense hemorrhoids may require surgery to treat but mostly, patients are able to heal piles with the help of herbal remedies and by taking precautionary measures.

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