Castor Oil for Vitiligo 

castoroil1Castor Oil for Vitiligo

Castor oil for vitiligo is a natural treatment for this skin condition that leads to unpleasant white patches. This oil is derived from castor bean seed using a natural process that involves smashing of the seed. However, it is important to note that castor seed is both medicinal and poisonous.

This is because it contains ricin which is a protein that inhibits synthesis of vital proteins in the ribosome present in the body cells. This results to massive death of body cells and so of an individual. Nonetheless, once this toxin is extracted, the oil is pure and medicinal with vital nutrients to enhance healing process.

Composition of castor oil important for treatment of vitiligo

  • Non-poisonous proteins
  • Vitamin E
  • Minerals
  • Numerous fatty acids
  • Omega 6 oil

About vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by formation of white patches on the skin. The patches can occur on the skin in any part of the body with some spreading throughout the body. The major cause o vitiligo is the destruction of melanocyte cells that are responsible of formation of pigments on the skin. This leads to loss of melanin which is the pigment that provides the skin with its natural color. The damage of melanocytes may occur due to autoimmune whereby the body’s immunity destroys these cells. Vitiligo is easily noticed in people with a dark skin than those with light skin.

People at risk of developing vitiligo

  • Below age of 40 as it is common in individuals between 10-30 years.
  • People with a family history of having premature graying of hair.
  • People with a history of suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of vitiligo

  • Progressive pigment loss
  • When suffering from vitiligo, one experiences the appearance of the first white patch. It may take time for the rest of the patches to appear. Therefore, the development of the patches is progressive till when one gets full blown vitiligo.
  • Patches in specific areas
  • Normally, the patches do not appear on covered areas of the body with no curves. Thus, appearance of white patches on the areas exposed to the sun such as the arms, face and legs as well as under the curves such as under the arm pit is a sign of developing vitiligo.

Health benefits of castor oil for vitiligo

In order to maximize the health benefits of castor oil for vitiligo, it is important to start using the oil as soon as the initial patch occurs. Here are the benefits of using castor oil;
Enhances skin pigmentation
Castor oil penetrates into the skin easily whereby it boosts the functions of melanin. The oil helps in building up of melatocyte cells hence restoring the natural color of the skin.
Protects the skin
This oil protects the skin from the attacks by bacteria and fungi during the healing process. This is because the oil possesses anti-microbial properties.
Keeps the skin moisturized
Castor oil for vitiligo is highly effective in keeping the skin well moisturized. This protects the skin from becomes dry as this may result to formation of cracks on the skin making the situation worse. The oil makes the skin smooth and soft naturally.


Click here to get virgin Castor Oil

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